Thursday, December 1, 2011


I would like to apply for the writer position that you have open. Please accept my writing samples below in application for the position that you need filled.

Thanks so much and I'm looking forward to hearing back from you soon,

My Portfolio......on the Web.
I am a freelance journalist with a writing style that is both informative and captivating. I am able to produce high quality original articles while placing great importance on meeting deadlines. I am a very hard working person and have done an extensive amount of internet research. 
I am an innovative thinker and have acquired exceptional editing, proofreading, and communication capabilities. 
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Melanie Ferguson

Please see my current writing contributions at
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What Do I have to Offer?
·                                 High Quality Articles
·                                 Web Site Design
·                                 Marketing Materials
·                                 Proofreading and Editing
·                                 Press Releases
·                                 Product Reviews
·                                 Guaranteed Originality 
Article Samples

Original Articles:
Press Release:
Personal Stories:



Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Importance of Finding Your Safe Haven

Good communication skills are absolutely vital in any successful relationship, whether it be in the workplace or in your personal relationship. ‘Communication’ is one of the most important words in the English language and without a doubt, one of the most important traits in any relationship. The basic concept of good communication is to express or exchange information and ideas by means of spoken words or written messages. This should also include attentive listening to gain a complete understanding of the message being conveyed.

Every healthy relationship needs a place of comfort and what they feel is their 'safe haven'. After an exhausting day in the world of frustration and disappointment, it is necessary to have that type of "safe haven". It isn't literally a factual place, it is more of an idea and a state of complete closeness as in having the feeling of 'you and me against the world'. It gives the couple a perfect notion that everything will be alright, as long as they have each other. This type of theoretic sanctuary that eases the stresses of work and the pressures of debts can be the greatest vaccination against daily conflict.

Ineffective communication and the lack of having this type of conceptual shelter is one of the main factors that contribute to the dissolution of many relationships.
Your personal relationship, as well as your home business could possibly fail without clear and concise communication between each of the parties involved. Inability to communicate effectively in a relationship can cause many problems for both personal and business connections, including the possibility of infidelity. The main reason that people cheat on their partners is because they are searching to fill a void in their relationship. The void that they have between them, whatever it may be, causes them to feel empty inside.

Once they start to feel alone and it seems that they have no one to talk to, that is when doubts invade their minds - such as thinking there is something wrong with themselves or that their relationship isn't what it should be. While the occasional doubt in a relationship is normal, if it happens too often it can lead to feelings of rejection and tension. The emptiness leads to feelings of loneliness and despair, which is also a common cause of depression.

During the initial realization of the communication break down, the person that isn't getting their need fulfilled, may try to express their feelings about it; stressing the importance to them in having that type of comfort. They usually describe it as a need, something that is required, something that is detrimental to what they envision and desire in a partner.

After they have tried to discuss the lacking quality, and nothing really changes between them, hopelessness sets in. They might try to reason with themselves and convince their minds that they don't really need it and will be fine without it. Some people may even tell themselves that they should just get a friend that will give them what they need emotionally. That's when the possibility becomes very real that they could have the closeness that they need with someone else. They may even set out to find a friend that they can talk to, possibly one of the opposite sex.

There would be an absolute danger of infidelity if they were to actually begin having this emotional bond/closeness with someone other than their partner.
Reaching a good level of communication is entirely possible and absolutely necessary in achieving a healthy relationship. Couples have to work together to rebuild and improve their communication in order for that safe haven to be present. Love is a two-way street, so both of them need to make sure to meet halfway in making the best relationship for all involved. Here are some ideas to keep in mind in order to fix or regain your safe haven:

    • Be clear and specific when you are trying to convey a point in order to get your
      message across.
    • Avoid sarcasm, rude comments, and hurtful remarks. Don't say
      anything that you wouldn't say if you weren't upset, because you will have
      regrets over having said it later.
    • Be willing to say you are wrong. If you are wrong, then admit to it and also be willing to say you are sorry.
    • Sit around the table and eat a meal together. Share stories of the day and your
      feelings on specific issues. Listen carefully to gain full understanding and
      give support when needed.

Spending quality time together can resolve many daily upsets and worries. This time spent together aids in settling problems and misunderstandings also.
Another good idea is to turn the television off every once in a while. Television is not conducive to conversation, of course, so when it's on most conversation will dwindle. As a result, the two people will watch the television and don't really talk to each other at all. They eventually become increasingly introverted, less willing to share feelings and emotions, and have little time or inclination to converse with each other.

In many homes it is rare for a family to sit around the table and eat a meal together. Marriage break-ups and domestic strife seem to be on the increase and the reason for this could be the lack of communication that is necessary. People have such busy lifestyles and schedules these days, sometimes it's difficult to find time to interact with each other. Family relationships used to be valued, sadly however, things have changed.

Be sure to show appreciation to your partner and also let them know when something is bothering you. Communicate with each other and explain why you sometimes feel unappreciated. Sharing feelings will possibly bring greater closeness.

Parents should encourage their children to marry a person that they truly enjoy talking with and are comfortable in sharing thoughts, because in their older years it will become an even greater asset to them having someone that gives them their 'safe haven'.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Beating The Fear of Rejection

Monday, February 25, 2008
Here is going to be the deciding factor… If my RT gets to work and emails me telling me at least that he missed me ... or hopefully, that he loves me… then I will tell him the same, because I really do.
If he doesn’t feel the need to write an email, busy or not, I’m out.
This is the way that it has to be. Truth will be told. Live with the answer.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Scenario of a life that I want so much...

Here is the scenario of my life that I want... so much:

I want, first of all, a man that is just as happy to be with me, as I am to be with him…. No more, no less for either. I think he is also chivalrous and old-fashioned in his thinking and in his ways. He is a conservative man and believes in God, as I do. Our views and opinions would be very similar, but not quite exact, just enough to compliment each other and have completeness between us.


I would like to have the kind of man that comes home from work and wants a kiss first thing, but to have his own wind down time for about 30-60 minutes while I’m fixing dinner. I won’t bother him during this time and he wont bother me, unless to come in and kiss my neck from behind and ask if he can help. Then we would all sit at the table together and eat, while discussing the day. He wants to know how my day went, as well as talk about his own. He will tell me things that I may not want to hear if it is in my best interest; And vice versa. Basically, just talk about whatever is on our minds, good, bad or indifferent.

After dinner one or both clean up, do dishes and put them away. I don’t mind to be the one that does it, as long as it’s done and not left a mess. In the evening when all is done, the kids homework, baths and tucked in; I would love to sit on the couch together and watch a movie or TV show, just relax from the day together. Some nights we would play a board game with the kids and I’d kick everyone’s ass... haha, ok, they can kick mine, either way. The nights when we just sit together and do nothing would be just as pleasing as the ones when we are doing something. Then when it’s time to go to bed, we would both go together. Ideally, I like to watch the news and then we'd go together. Not one before the other, if one of us is doing something, the other will wait to go to bed at the same time.

I’ve always wanted a porch with a swing so that we could sit together in the evenings and talk peacefully. Even if we did nothing but watch cars pass or enjoy silence together. I’m positively in love with this idea more than most anything. I will have this one day with the man of my dreams.

Not every evening would have to be spent together, if one had something to do, it would be fine. If he wanted to go throw darts or play pool with the guys one evening, would be fine, and if I wanted to go to a pampered chef party or play bingo with Connie in the evening, he wouldn’t throw a fit about it either. Our insecurities wouldn’t stop the other from having space and ‘me’ time.

Going places would be primarily together. We would plan weekend trips to Kings Island or Cedar Point with the kids every once in a while. Camping on some weekends through the summer, either with the kids or alone, we’d go fishing together even on weekday evenings, if we want. We would do things with our friends on the weekend sometimes, too, go out or stay in. Have friends over for dinner and cards or go to their house for the same. Have summer parties for a cook out, doesn’t have to be fancy or huge, just a simple cook out would be great.

In the fall, we would have a bonfire get together with our friends or even just the kids and their friends. We would go to football games together, band competitions and other school events that the kids are involved in. On a nice evening in the fall, we would build a fire outside for just the two of us and drink a beer for the hell of it, talk, laugh and enjoy being together. We would be a little cold, even with our sweatshirts on, while we looked up into the sky to just check out all of the stars and enjoying nature.

We would take a day trip down to southern Indiana to see the leaves turn and just drive around stopping at the overlooks to breathe in the fall air and the beauty of the autumn colors. While we are there, we would stop in the little shops and just browse, no need to buy anything, its just fun to be there. The fall festivals would also be something that we would both enjoy. Feast of the Hunters Moon, Tipton pork festival, Strawberry festival or similar festivals are my favorites and would be his too. We could go to the Colts games together making a day of it or just stay home and watch them on TV.

The holidays would hold our own traditions with friends and family. We would both go with the other to family events, even if it sort of sucked, we would still go for the respect factor. Neither one of us would ever stay home from family functions of the others'. There is a certain level of respect in going with each other, I would have it for him and he would also have it for me. Some evenings close to Christmas, it would be nice if we were to take drives just to look at Christmas lights and decorations, maybe listen to Christmas music in the car, if it is something that he likes also. We would always be together on New Year’s Eve, never celebrate it separately. We would always kiss at midnight to signify our upcoming new year together. There would be no where in the world that either of us would rather be.

He will advise me and help me make decisions, not make them for me. We would decide important matters together, not one for the other, and not without discussion. If I asked him for help, he would give it, as I would help him in any way that he needed as well. If I told him that I would like to start my own business, he would say ‘great amount of ambition involved, babe, I respect your courage’ and not ‘wtf are you thinking, that’s a foolish idea and I’ll be the first one to tell you "I told you so", if it ever fails… and secretly wish for it to fail. He will be proud to tell his friends and family of my decision. They would all support my drive to make it happen.

He will treat me like an absolute lady. He will tell me that I’m beautiful when I wake up even though I know I look like poop. He will be in love with who I am inside and what I look like on the outside would just be a bonus, if he likes what I look like. He also will tell me that he loves me daily, more than once a day. When we are with friends, he would never intentionally embarrass me or talk badly about me. He would never make me the butt of a joke and cause people to laugh, knowing what an ‘embarrassed’ type of person that I am already. He would make a point not to embarrass me. He will only speak highly of me, when we are together with friends or even if he is alone with his own friends.

He will appreciate and love me for who I am, and not just for what I do for him. He wouldn't sit me on a shelf until he wanted to parade me around like some sort of trophy. He would feel like I am a prize, but not treat me like one. There is a difference.

He would yell "Catarina" off the side of a boat and jump in the ocean for me, come and find me if I left, and would say "I choose us" because nothing would split us up.

During any given time, he would be protecting me in every meaning of the word. We would protect each other. He would have my back and I would have his, over all else. I would always feel like he was on my side in life and he would genuinely stand up for me and want to protect me. We would feel safe together and secure. He would feel that it was his place to be my protector and actually enjoy being in that role. He would take care of me in every aspect of our lives, as I would show him respect and appreciation in return.

Oh yeah and I’m pretty sure that he will have one green eye and one blue.

If these things seem to be pointing to any specific person, it would be a pure coincidence, because these hopes and dreams are all mine that I've had my whole life, which have been somewhat dashed throughout the years in my marriage. It just happens to be a fact that RT seems to have exactly what I have been looking for… or someone in this world has it, I know. Maybe I just haven't found him yet... or maybe I have ;) --- idk